(These are brief procedures, for more details you are requested to get in touch with the Company executive/RTA. The Company/RTA at their sole discretion can add/modify the procedure/requirements)
1. What is the procedure for transfer of shares?
For requesting transfer of shares, lodge following documents with Company/ RTA for the transfer:
Transfer of shares to an Individual:
a. Form SH - 4 duly filled, executed and affixed with requisite amount of share transfer stamps at the market value on the date of execution of such transfer deed
b. Signature duly attested by the Bank
c. Certificate of Shares or Letter of Allotment (if certificate is not issued)
d. Self-attested copies of Pancard of Transferor and Transferee, (if Not) then any Identity Proof, sufficient documentary evidence in support of the identity of the transferee(s) or transferor(s) (in case of any mismatch in PAN details)
e. Indemnity and Affidavit (In case the Letter of Allotment is submitted)
If the shares are to be transferred in the name of a body corporate, following additional documents are required:
f. Memorandum & Articles of Association
g. Board Resolution and
h. List of authorised signatories
2. What is the procedure for transfer if the shares are gifted?
The procedure for transfer as stated above.
3. What is the stamp duty on transfer of shares?
Currently, the stamp duty applicable on share transfer is at 0.25% of the market value on the date of execution of the transfer deed.
4. When the Transfer deed is considered to be complete?
For the transfer deed to be complete in all respects, all the requisite details such as folio number, certificate number, distinctive number, name of the holder(s), name and address of witnesses are filled in. Transfer Deed needs to be signed by the transferor(s) (signatures of all holders in case of joint holding) and the witness. Bank attestation of transferor’s signature.
Affix share transfer stamps at 0.25% of the market value of shares on the date of execution of the transfer deed.
5. What is the procedure to add another person as joint holder?
The procedure for transfer of shares as stated above.
1. What is a Depository System?
Depository system is the system in which your shareholding is kept in the electronic form with a Depository Participant (DP). Your DP will give you a statement showing the credit of the shareholding of all the Companies that you hold in that account.
2. Who is a DP? And what is its role?
DP is the connection between yourself and the Company through the Depositories viz. National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. (CDSL). They maintain your account, make entries in your account when you transact, take your physical share certificates and complete the dematting on your behalf.
3. Can we have the list of DPs? What is the service charge levied?
The list of DPs located at various cities with their address, telephone, fax and with a comparative table of charges is available with NSDL on www.nsdl.co.in and with CDSL on www.cdslindia.com
4. What are the benefits of opening a Demat account?
The benefits of holding shares in electronic form with DP are:
a. Elimination of Postal delays
b. Elimination of bad deliveries
c. Elimination of loss of certificates in transit
d. No stamp duty on transfer of shares
e. Reduction in transaction costs and time involved
f. Immediate ownership of securities on settlement
g. Less paperwork
5. What is the procedure for Dematerialization of shares?
Following is the procedure for conversion of the shares in demat (electronic) mode:
a. Fill the Dematerialization Request Form (DRF) provided by DP, and surrender the original share certificates along with DRF to DP
b. The DP will send the electronic request to Company/ RTA through Depository to confirm the dematerialization of said shares
c. Simultaneously, the DP will also submit DRF and Original Share Certificate to the Company/ Registrar
d. After verifying the above documents, the Company shall confirm the Demat to Depository
e. The Depository shall then confirm the same to DP
f. Once the said confirmation is received, the DP shall credit the shares into the Electronic account i.e. Demat account held in your name
g. Upon transfer, the shares will be credited to your DMAT account.
6. What is the time required for dematerailisation of shares?
The dematerialization of shares happens within 15 days from the date of submission of all the required documents with the concerned DP.
1. Once my shares are demated, Can I ever get the same shares in Physical again?
Yes, the shares held in electronic form can be again held in physical form. The process of converting the shares from electronic form to physical is called as rematerailsation of shares.
2. What is the procedure for rematerializations of shares?
a. Fill the Rematerialisation Request Form (RRF) to the Depositary Participant (DP) with whom you have the Demat account
b. DP intimates NSDL/ CDSL of the request through the system DP submits RRF to the Share Transfer Agent / Company
c. NSDL/ CDSL confirms rematerialisation request to the RTA
d. RTA updates accounts and prints certificates and informs NSDL/ CDSL
e. NSDL/ CDSL updates accounts and downloads details to DP
f. The RTA / Company dispatches certificates to the shareholder
1. Can I avail of the nomination facility?
Yes. For shares held in physical submit the following to the Company/ RTA
a. Nomination form (SH 13), duly completed and signed by ALL the holders as per the specimen signature(s) recorded with the
Company / RTA.
b. Self-attested copy of PAN Card
For Shares held in electronic form, please contact your DP.
2. Can I cancel my earlier nomination or nominate someone else in place of existing nominee?
Yes. For shares held in physical submit the following to the Company/ RTA
a. Cancellation or Change of Nomination form (SH 14), duly completed and signed by ALL the holders as per the specimen signature(s) recorded with the Company / RTA.
b. Self-attested copy of PAN Card
For shares held in electronic form, please contact your DP.
1. My signature has changed, what should I do to register my new signature in the Company records?
To register your new signature for shares held in physical form, an Affidavit to this effect is required to be executed.
Please follow the instructions detailed in the top portion of the affidavit.
For Shares held in electronic form, please contact your DP.
1. How do I register change in my address?
For shares held in physical form, please submit the following: -
a. a written request for change in address, duly signed by the first holder as per the specimen signature recorded with the Company/ RTA.
b. Self-attested copy of proof of identity viz. valid Passport or PAN Card
c. Self-attested copy of proof of new address viz. valid Passport or Aadhaar Card or Election Identity Card or Electricity / Telephone (only land line) bill / Bank Account Statement / Passbook [not more than 3 months old].
The identity and address proof should be legible and in the name of the shareholder.
The address proof should not be older than two months.
For Shares held in electronic form, the change in address must be registered with your DP.
1. What should I do if my share certificates are lost/stolen?
In case share certificates are stolen or lost, follow the following procedure:
a. Lodge a complaint in your nearest Police station
b. Send an intimation letter signed by the holders as per the specimen signatures recorded with the Company/ RTA intimating loss of certificates along with the acknowledged copy of the Police Complaint / FIR for advice on further course of action.
The intimation / Police complaint / FIR should state:
· Name of the Company.
· Your full name, address and Folio No. as recorded with the Company/ RTA
· The distinctive number(s) of the certificate(s) and the total no. of shares that are missing.
If the details/documents as mentioned above are correctly provided, stop transfer shall be marked in the books of the Company. RTA/ Company shall provide you a list of documents to be executed for issuance of duplicate certificates.
In case you trace your certificate(s) after you sent an initial intimation, please inform the Company/RTA of the same, otherwise the shares would be under the stop transfer list until the same are released either by way of issuance of duplicate share certificate or by intimation from your end of having found the original share certificate.
1. If the holding is in joint names and either of the holders is deceased, what is the procedure for Name deletion?
For shares held in physical form, please submit the following:-
a. Legible copy of the death certificate of the deceased holder, duly attested by Notary Public / Bank Manager / First Class Magistrate /Gazetted Officer. Attestation by Notary Public / First Class Magistrate / Gazetted Officer should mention their name, full address, registration number and affix their seal, Notarial / Court Fee stamps, as applicable. Attestation by Bank Manager should bear the name, full address and official stamp of the bank.
b. Original share certofocates.
c. Name Deletion form duly completed and signed by the surviving holder(s) as per the specimen signature(s) recorded with the Company/ RTA.
d. Self-attested copy of the PAN Card of the surviving holder(s).
For Shares held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
2. Along with the deletion of the deceased holder's name, can I add another joint holder?
Yes, you can, the process of transfer of shares is required to be followed with additional requirement of following documents:
1. Legible copy of the death certificate of the deceased holder, duly attested by Notary Public / Bank Manager / First Class Magistrate /Gazetted Officer.
Attestation by Notary Public / First Class Magistrate / Gazetted Officer should mention their name, full address, registration number and affix their seal, Notarial / Court Fee stamps, as applicable. Attestation by Bank Manager should bear the name, full address and official stamp of the bank.
For Shares held in electronic form, please contact your DP.
3. I am the legal heir / executor in respect of shares where the sole holder/all holders is/are deceased and Nomination is not registered with the Company. What is the procedure for Transmission of shares?
Since the process varies from case to case basis, please write to us at investorrelations.india@abbott.com or at einward.ris@karvy.com
1. Can I interchange the order of names for my holdings?
Yes, you can transpose full or part of your holdings.
For shares held in physical form, please submit the following:
a. Transposition form duly completed and signed by ALL the holders as per the specimen signatures recorded with the Company/RTA.
b. Relevant certificates for the shares.
c. Self-attested copies of the PAN Cards of all the holders.
In case you wish to interchange the order of the names for the purpose of dematerialising your shares, the form OA (available with your depository participant) may be duly completed in the desired order of names and submitted to them with the Dematerialisation Request Form and the certificates.
For Shares held in electronic form, please contact your DP.
1. I have multiple folios, can I amalgamate the accounts?
Yes, you can. If you have more than one folio registered with same address and identical names which are in the same order, please submit the following:-
a. Amalgamation form duly completed and signed by ALL the holders as per the specimen signature(s) recorded with the Company / RTA.
b. Original Share Certificates certificates pertaining to the folio having the smaller holdings. Do not send the certificates pertaining to the larger holdings, into which account the multiple folio is being amalgamated.
c. Self-attested copy of the PAN Card of the holder(s).
For Shares held in electronic form, please contact your DP.
2. I have certificates in various denominations, can I have them consolidated into a single certificate?
Yes, you can, if the certificates are under same folio. Please submit the following documents:
a. A request letter duly signed by ALL the holders as per the specimen signature(s) recorded with the Company / RTA.
b. Original Certificates
c. Self-attested copy of the PAN Card of the holder(s).
Please note that if the certificates are not under the same folio, but have the same order of names, please follow the procedure mentioned for amalgamation of the accounts to facilitate consolidation into a single certificate.
1. What are the ways I can receive the dividend payments due to me?
The options to receive dividend payments are listed below:
a. The instrument can be mailed to at the address, as registered by you with the Company/ RTA for physical holdings. In case of electronic holding, at the address registered with your Depository Participant.
b. The net amount can be credited electronically to your bank account based on the electronic remittance instructions updated by you with the Company/ RTA or your depository participant, as the case may be.
Please ensure that the bank account details provided are correct and complete in all respects to avoid delay in credit.
2. How do I avail of the electronic remittance facility?
For shares held in physical form, please submit the following:-
1. Electronic remittance form duly completed and signed by the first holder as per the specimen signature recorded with the Company/ RTA.
2. Cancelled cheque leaf bearing the name of the first holder.
3. Self-attested copy of the PAN Card of the holder(s).
For Shares held in electronic form, the bank details have to be registered with your DP.
In case payment through electronic remittance is not effected for your account for some reason, then the amount due to you would be remitted by way of a physical instrument which would be posted to your registered address.
1. I have old warrant which I forgot to encash and is now time-barred? Can I still obtain the amount due to me?L. Old/time-barred instruments/unclaimed dividend/interest
Yes, you can claim the amounts due to you and lying unpaid in the unclaimed dividend accounts of the Company for seven years from the date of payment.
For claiming the said amount, you are required to submit the following:
a. Request letter duly signed by the first holder as per the specimen signature(s) recorded with the Company / RTA.
b. Old dividend warrant in original
c. Indemnity (in case the original warrant is lost)
In case there is a change in address to be registered, please refer to instructions under "Change of address"
In case you wish to change the mode of payment for future payments, please refer to instructions under “Change of Mandate/ Electronic remittance”
2. When is unclaimed dividend/interest amount transferred to the Investor Education Protection Fund (IEPF) of the Central Government?
As per Section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 all unclaimed and unpaid dividend maintained in the separate dividend account of the Company and is transferred to Investor Education and P{protection Fund.
You can claim the dividend transferred to IEPF by filing Form IEPF - 5 it can be downloaded from the www.mca.gov.in
1. How do I apply for change of name?
For Individuals, consequent to marriage / divorce / attaining majority
For shares held in physical form, please submit the following:-
a. Legible copy of Marriage or Divorce Certificate/ Government Gazette / Birth Certificate or School Leaving certificate, as the case may be, duly attested by Notary Public / Bank Manager / First Class Magistrate. Attestation by Notary Public / First Class Magistrate with their name, full address, registration number and affix their seal, Notarial / Court Fee stamps, as applicable. Attestation by Bank Manager should bear the name, full address and official stamp of the bank.
b. Original Share Certificate
c. Transmission Form duly completed and signed by ALL the holders as per the specimen signature(s) recorded with the Company / RTA.
d. Self-attested copy of PAN Card in the new name
For shares held in electronic form, please contact your DP.
For Corporates consequent to change in name of the Company
For shares held in physical form, please submit the following:-
a. A letter duly signed by the authorized signatory/trustee supported by the certified true copy of the documents mentioned below in respect of:
- Corporate Body- Certificate of Incorporation along with Memorandum and Articles of Association. The Board Resolution signed by the Company Secretary/Directors on the letter head of the Company empowering the signatories to sign on behalf of the Company along with the specimen signature of the Authorized signatories is also to be submitted.
- Trust- Certificate of Registration along with the Trust deed. The Resolution signed by the Secretary/Trustee on the letter head of the Trust empowering the signatories to sign on behalf of the Trust along with the specimen signature of the Authorized signatories is also to be submitted.
- Society- Certificate of Registration along with their Bye Laws/ Rules & Regulations. The Resolution signed by the Secretary/Trustee on the letter head of the Society empowering the signatories to sign on behalf of the Society along with the specimen signature of the Authorized signatories is also to be submitted.
b. Original Share Certificate
c. Transmission Form duly completed and signed by the authorised signatory/ies, as per the specimen signature(s) recorded with the Company / RTA.
d. Certified True copy of the PAN card copy of the Company/ Trust / Society
For Shares held in electronic form, please contact your DP.
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